Sunday At Home (and a little weekend recap)
I went to log in to Instagram and do a post today, nothing special just an update about that’s going on, and I just stopped because I simply have more to say and more to share than I can post over there. And more so, it’s frustrating that you’ll
probably see my post about Sunday, next Tuesday- if you see it at all! And even if you do happen to catch it, it’ll all be lost in a sea of information.
So long story short, I decided to put it in a blog post.
I’ve never done more than dabbling with blog posts, but my gut says it’s time to give it a try. if this is something of interest to you, than please leave me a little comment, I need all the motivation I can get because something about blogging gives me a serious case of imposter syndrome!

ANYWAY… back to today! Today is Sunday and I am having a lovely day in with the kids. They were off in Florida all last week with their dad so we needed a day to relax and recoup. I woke up with the sniffles and a cough so I decided to make some bone broth. We had roasted chicken last night so I threw the carcass in my instapot with a bag of frozen celery ends, carrot peelings, and onion bits and some whole garlic cloves, a dash of vinegar and water. Once that’s cooked I’ll put it on the stove and simmer it down a bit more with some seasoning to taste. Hopefully that cures what ale’s me! I did take a Covid test as well and that came back negative thankfully. I think I’m mostly run down from a stressful week.

What made my week stressful
you ask?
Well, you may remember back in January I had a pipe burst in one of my upstairs bedrooms and that caused a lot of damage to the downstairs ceiling. It’s been an open gapping hole for many weeks while I was waiting for the restoration people to have room in their schedule for me. Unfortunately, many homes experienced burst pipes this past January and skilled laborers have been spread thin!
Thankfully, my home is still livable, though it’s been packed up and we’ve been living light for weeks now! I am grateful the damage wasn’t worse, but it’s still been really stressful and wearing on me.
So Wednesday repairs began, and things are moving along. Repairs will continue through Tuesday and then I’ll have to schedule the third phase- new flooring. So no end in sight as far as my abbreviated living space, but progress nonetheless!

Now the good part- the knitting! Usually on weekends my kids are home I don’t go into work at the studio. Instead I’ll bring home a couple of projects so that I can make some real progress. This week I brought home three projects to tinker on.

First, I cast on a new project using a new colorway I cooked up in my OOAK simple sock update. I don’t have a name for this colorway yet, but i absolutely adore it! It's sort of like my old colorway Blood Orange, just less pink and more orange and no speckles. I just had to get it on the needles immediately so I dyed some up on Everyday Worsted and pulled out a leftover yarn cake of Fireworks (leftover from my Wild Joy Sweater).
My friend Amanda has convinced me to start focusing on kids sweaters for samples since they’re faster to make and ridiculously fun, so I took to Ravelry to find a fun colorwork yoke project. I settled on Little Nomad Sweater by Ainur Berkimbayeva. It is a bottom up yoke sweater (not my usual jam) and I'm knitting the largest size in Everyday Worsted with a size 8 needle.
I finished 10" of body on Friday evening and have since put it up to move on to the next project I brought home. I usually rotate projects after completing a section of the project, both to keep things interesting and also to help me finish things quickly! I'll get back to the sleeves at work on Monday and will probably keep them at work for my studio project for the week. They should be done in no time!

I didn't really knit very much on Saturday, we went for a hike and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen and working on cleaning up the house after a few days of construction. I brought home a cake of Wayward, March's Color of the Month on Plush Silk and printed out Casapinka's EmPower People Bandana pattern for a quick cast on. I usually like to pick a quick and easy pattern for the color of the month so that I can reasonably finish it before the month is over. I absolutely love bandana cowls and since this months colorway was purple- Casapinka's design seemed like the perfect choice, not to mention the Plush Silk base is going to be pure luxury around my neck!
As you can see I haven't got very far on that yet, but I'll keep plucking away on it for the rest of the afternoon. I replaced my broken record player yesterday so I am enjoying snuggling with my cat and listening to my Judah and The Lion album while I sip my tea.

Lastly, I brought my neon sweater with me, I am *just* about to finish the raglan increases and will separate the sleeves. I'm not sure I'll even pick it up since I'm enjoying my bandana projects so much (that is requiring zero thinking), but that won't stop me from carrying it around with me all day.
I started this sweater last week after mixing the perfect bright yellow that I’ve spent years trying to perfect while doing my OOAK Simple

After many helpful suggestions on Instagram and Facebook, I’ve decided to call this colorway Glow! I’m working on getting it dyed on all of my bases and should be available on the website sometime next week- probably next weekend.

As for the sweater, the pattern is Eirys from PomPom Magazines Ready Set Raglan book. I am using Everyday Worsted and a size 7 needle as recommended in the pattern. I did not swatch- but it’s looking like it’s going to work out. 😜
Now off to freshen up my tea, flip my record, and get back to knitting! I hope you are having a lovely weekend yourself.
Great blog. You are handling the construction very well. Kudos to you.
That yellow yarn is awesome. The hat well be great.
I love your blog! I was scrolling through your Instagram site and saw your post about your blog! So much more personal than looking at Instagram! You are amazing! I wish I was able to accomplish as much as you do! I need to learn to knit faster! I love your yarn and want it all!
Your blog is refreshing and fun! I enjoy your honesty in sharing your professional and private life. Your writing style is excellent! No need to doubt yourself – you are the real deal!
I loved having a blog post to read. It just seems more personal? More real? It’s like talking to a friend. Please keep doing posts occasionally.
I love reading your blog posts! It’s refreshing to read something in this format for a little change. You’re right about how things sometimes get lost on social media…and about the “sea of information.” What an apt metaphor! I hope you feel better soon!